PDVD Media Player Blind Test Shoot-Out!by StreetsmartThe blind test involved the pq of 5 media players:
The Players1. WDTV (1st generation version)
2. Popcorn C200
3. eGreat 31B
4. Mede8er
5. Xtreamer
The Popcorn and the Mede8er were kindly provided by our good friend @Gren from eHome.
We figured that this was already a pretty good representation of the players in the market.
We tried our best to make the blind test as objective and scientific as possible. We had 5 hard drives connected to the 5 players. The players were then connected to an HDMI switcher (c/o @pchin, thanks!) and then output to the Denon AVR and then the projector.
The ScenesWe selected "27 Dresses" as the test movie because it has a lot of scenes with natural lighting, along with greenery, dark scenes and fast motion. The movie was 720p/24 and the players upscaled this to 1080p/24. No external video processing was used so the raw data was sent to the projector.
The first major problem we had was that every now and then, the eGreat would just die by itself. After a long time, we realized that the remote of the Mede8er was somehow affecting the eGreat so we separated the eGreat from the other players and that solved the problem.
The way we did the test was that we determined the time of the scene to be tested (there were 3 different scenes, with a variety of video challenges -- natural light, dark scenes, motion, buildings, greenery). We then decided on the sequence of the players and cued the players to all play at the same time, but with a 2 minute difference between players, and then we paused the players.
We ran the first player and then called the guys in from outside the room. The first player had a 1 minute gap before the actual start of the scene. When the scene started, we put the 4 other players on "play".
The big problem was that for whatever reason, whenever we put the Mede8er on pause, it would not start properly. After a while, we decided that the only way to include the Mede8er in the test would be to have it as the first player for all 3 scenes. Otherwise, we randomly mixed the sequence of the players. Only the Mede8er was fixed as always the first player.
The Criteria:1. Sharpness
2. Detail
3. Motion stutter
4. Color accuracy
5. Color saturation
6. Edge enhancement
There was a brief lecture on each of the criteria before the start of the test. People left the room, we set up the scene and then brought the people back in. This was repeated for each of the 3 scenes.
PDVD Members / Participants:1. Jazzy Jake
2. Blackie
3. Anchit
4. Jay2
5. Stickfighter
6. JohnE.
7. Esi
8. Alvinh
9. Gunblade977
10. Juancho
11. Nogie
12. Gaol
13. markcrenz
14. Mike C
15. Dts-HD 3D
16. Setup
17. Pchin
Aside from these guys, the others in the EB were myself, iiinas, bass_nut (late dumating) and Zedric (also late).
The Results:The scoring was 1-5, with 5 being the best. The results were quite surprising. The average scores were as follows:
1. WDTV (the 1st generation!) -- 4.40
2. Xtreamer -- 4.37
3. eGreat 31b -- 4.29
4. Popcorn Hour C200 -- 4.26
5. Mede8er 4.06
After the blind test, we explained that the Mede8er was always the first player and many people commented that the first player has a disadvantage because people come from outside (bright place) and come into the theater (dark place) so your eyes take time to adjust.
I think this may be the main reason why the Mede8er placed poorly. Just today, Alvinthx2 and myself reviewed the Mede8er vs. the Xtreamer with the same scenes and frankly, we could hardly tell the difference.
In fact, most people had the same comment. In a blind test, it was nearly impossible to tell the difference in quality between players.
My personal conclusion (Streetsmart): The current crop of media players have nearly equal pq. Their main differences will be in their menu, boot-up speed, stability, navigation, etc. Based on this, the 1st gen WDTV (which won the blind test) actually sucks, particularly for navigation but insofar as pq is concerned, I think that all media players are virtually equal in quality.