Got mine too. Small dents on the cover, a bit annoying so I take the sticker off the shrinkwrap and covered the dents. Now I don't even know it's there.
Getting the disc to dislodge is really a problem. I had to press hard on the disc and literally pry it to get it loose.
I hate these type of digipack where there's sort of some blemishes (it's on the top of each double layer case), if you rotate the disc inside the case (like aligning it), it could sometimes scratch the disc. I learned the hard way with my Hossiers DVD, where I keep wondering where the deep scratches come from until I realize they are in the same area as the imperfection.

All in all, well worth the price. Not for the casual DVD fan (because of the huge cash-out), but one of the best R3 release ever.
Iba talaga ang Warner, talagang classy ang dating - tin, comics, packaging.
Mr. Hankey, so alam yata na gusto mo ng R1, so they include the R1 comics for you. So even more collector's 'yun sa iyo...
is there a blank slot left that is supposed to be for the 14th disc?
Yes and no, since each digipack can hold 2-discs back-to-back, then 14 disc could've easily fit without additional digipack. But the last one is single sided, so thirteen lang talaga for this edition...