Blu-ray Touts Content Advantage, PS3 ImpactThe Blu-ray Disc Association gathered its heavyweights for a press conference on Monday afternoon, including the heads of movie studios such as Paramount, Fox and Sony, saying that if anything will win the format war, it’s content. And Blu-ray has it.
Andy Parsons, senior vice president at Pioneer and the promotion chair for the Blu-ray Disc Association, laid out three key reasons why the group thinks Blu-ray will defeat HD DVD: content, hardware and the PlayStation 3.
As of Christmas week, according to numbers announced at the press conference, weekly sales of Blu-ray discs are outpacing HD DVD movies. Content is key to that equation, the group says. "This is what really defines a format," said Parsons. "This is the face of Blu-ray."
Parsons displayed a list of the top 20 DVD sold in 2006, 19 of which are in the Blu-ray camp. Only 4 are in HD DVD's, and only one -- King Kong -- is exclusive.
The second reason -- hardware -- focused on the number of CE manufacturers who, in addition to having Blu-ray players, also manufacture high-definition televisions. "There is a very close association of brand of HDTV monitor and Blu-ray player in our view," said Parsons, noting that the manufacturers are all competitors but all in the Blu-ray camp.
The third reason (and one that I've been arguing for a long time) is the PlayStation 3 (PS3), which includes a built-in Blu-ray player. The group released new survey results showing that 80 percent of PS3 owners plan to purchase Blu-ray movies to watch on their system, and more than 75 percent plan to use their PS3 as their primary device for watching movies.
"We believe Blu-ray disc has what it takes to win the format war," said Parsons. "Consumers are going to have the final word here, and the word is Blu-ray disc."
Executives from Fox, Lionsgate, Paramount, Buena Vista, Warner and Sony announced many of the titles that will be unveiled on Blu-ray disc this year, including Casino Royale, The Departed, The Silence of the Lambs, Harry Potter and the Matrix trilogy. Many of the Blu-ray titles announced by Warner -- a supporter of both formats and developer of Total HD -- are also planned for HD DVD.
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