Some friends were clamoring for pictures of the upgrade
Here they are (pics taken from AVShop-MLY Enterprises in QC)
Let's introduce the very accommodating,knowledgeable and interactive staff of AVShop-MLY Enterprises
James is on the left, a customer sitting on the lay-z boy and Rey smiling
The customer was auditioning an RX1 front+RX Centre and an HK255
Now for the main event
LSi9 grilles on (notice the canon digicam hardcase as scale on how big these bookshelves are)
LSi9 grilles off
LSi9 grilles off, front close up
LSi9 rear view, notice the massive power port plate with rubberized backing so you can mount it flush on a wall and it wont resonate
LSi9 left speaker
LSi9 right speaker
Well that's all folks, I dont have a stand yet, so hopefully I get one within the week so that I can finally mount these at home. Its still packed in the box until the stands come in.