This ISN'T just a crossover, but an actual spin-off series,right? Which is a silly idea, really, and typical of big, bullying , belaboring America/Hollywood.
The Steve Carrell Office has its moments , I must admit, (the Whedon episode is one) but its most prominent feature is its immensity and sense of exageration - - - it's, what, Season 4 now? - - - and how it seems to bulldoze any memory or interest in the Ricky Gervais/Stephen Merchant British original, which ran for a sweet, succint 14 episodes. Half its fans probably don't know or care this is a remake.
And now, a spin-off. Not surprised really. Hollywood's big on milking the cow til its dry. This is a cash-in, no doubt.
BTW, they're calling it The Office 2. Conveniently forgetting that the American Office is The Office 2.