Has anyone else noticed the ridiculous amount of censorship going on from Jack TV? A lot of scenes are being cut, including silly cartoon guy and cartoon pig kissing parts on "Drawn Together." Sometimes, the dialogue gets completely muted because of "offensive" words; even common terms like "vagina" and "penis" are muted out! The least they could do is bleep the words out, so that some humor isn't lost.
I'm not blaming Jack TV or Solar Entertainment entirely. I'm pretty sure that they're getting a lot of pressure from parents and pansy ultra conservative groups. But, man, does it bite. They're even bringing in network series like "The Office" and "The Simpsons" ("The Simpsons" in THREE channels? Can the Philippines take it?). They should just get rid of half of their lineup if they're going yellow on us. If they don't do anything to make BOTH the fans and detractors happy, I have a feeling Jack TV will be losing its edge very very soon.