Sorry to bring up a very old thread. I just want to share my experience with the mundorf caps i've installed on my 3030is.
At first i was hesitant to have this mod as i did not know of anyone who can do it for me and was afraid of ruining the overall sound of my speakers. So i did a back read of the feedbacks here in pdvd and found that all have have given positive reviews when they had their mods either on their source, amps, and speakers.
I wanted to also mod my speakers as i really didn't like its mids. It sounded thin to me as compared to my denton 80th speakers. I wanted the mids to be lush and full sounding. I really didn't know what i was up to as i don't anything about the effects of changing speaker parts. But i still went ahead with my project as i didn't really want to give up on the 3030is.
I had the mundorf mcaps installed 2 weeks ago. When i first got them i was expecting that they'll sound off/bad as i've read that these needed to be burned in for 100+ hours. On my first few hours of listening i got really scared as the overall sound was still thin. I just kept burning them in for a week as advised on the forums. This week i could now positively say that these speakers will hold me off from buying new speakers for quite some time. The 3030i now has more textured and extended lows, clearer highs and best of all thicker and luscious mids.
I'm definitely happy with this mod and will also do the same for the other speakers that i will purchase in the future.
Anyone else with the same experience?