Vin Diesel stars as Toorop, a veteran-turned-mercenary hired to protect the young and innocent Aurora, played by French actress Mélanie Thierry (Fête de famille) and her guardian, portrayed by martial arts star Michelle Yeoh. This futuristic tale follows this brave group of heroes as they fight to stay alive on a journey that could very well determine the fate of humanity.
Available in standard ($29.98 SRP) and special edition with digital copy ($34.98 SRP) editions, features are outlined below…
Single-Disc Edition: A double-sided disc features both the US theatrical (90mins) and unrated (101mins) cuts with the following features:
* 1.85:1 Anamorphic Widescreen
* English DD5.1 Surround
* French and Spanish Dolby Surround
* English, French and Spanish subtitles
* Babylon Babies –How author Maurice G. Dantec’s novel went from page to screen
* Arctic Escape – An inside look at the snow mobile chase
* An inside look at Behind Enemy Lines: Colombia
2-Disc Special Edition with Digital Copy: The unrated cut is included with the following features:
* 1.85:1 Anamorphic Widescreen
* English DD5.1 Surround
* French and Spanish Dolby Surround
* English, French and Spanish subtitles
* Babylon Babies –How author Maurice G. Dantec’s novel went from page to screen
* Arctic Escape – An inside look at the snow mobile chase
* Fit For The Screen – A featurette about the martial arts and stunts of the film
* Flight of the Hummers – The exciting Humvee chase is dissected
* Genesis of Aurora – A graphic novel prequel to Babylon A.D.
* Still gallery
* 2nd disc with a Digital Copy of the theatrical cut)